Why We Give
We know that God is a generous giver and not a taker because he gave us his son (John 3:16). Since we are called to be imitators of God (Ephesians 5:1), we believe that generous, cheerful giving is essential to following Jesus and reflecting His character and nature to others (2 Corinthians 9:7-8). We believe that giving is a blessing from God, and something he desires FOR us, not FROM us.
Since LaFayette First is truly a place to call home, we acknowledge the importance of investing in our “home” to make it better. Our home is our church family and we are also on mission to do God’s will. That’s what it means to be generous, to band together as family to make important things happen.
As you consider the generosity ladder at the bottom of the page, try to identify what question you’re currently asking about money and which rung characterizes your giving. Prayerfully consider asking a new question this year and taking a step up the ladder toward greater generosity.