Living a Christ-centered life requires focusing on two essential principles: seeking the good of others and bringing glory to God. Modern idolatry occurs when anything, including ourselves, takes precedence over God in our lives. These principles work together, much like loving God and loving our neighbor, and cannot be separated. To live this out, we must evaluate our actions based on whether they build others up and glorify God, while actively avoiding things that could harm others or diminish God's glory.
Paul writes to the Corinthian church with all its messiness and disunity, they can be the representation of Christ to the world in which they live. The current church isn't much different. Will we allow Christ to reign in our lives or will we allow Satan to knock us off of our task?
Living a Christ-centered life requires focusing on two essential principles: seeking the good of others and bringing glory to God. Modern idolatry occurs when anything, including ourselves, takes precedence over God in our lives. These principles work together, much like loving God and loving our neighbor, and cannot be separated. To live this out, we must evaluate our actions based on whether they build others up and glorify God, while actively avoiding things that could harm others or diminish God's glory.
Paul writes to the Corinthian church with all its messiness and disunity, they can be the representation of Christ to the world in which they live. The current church isn't much different. Will we allow Christ to reign in our lives or will we allow Satan to knock us off of our task?