- Day 1: Understanding Our Identity in Christ
Devotional: Paul addresses the incorrect thinking that the Corinthians had due to their upbringing and the surrounding culture. These Christians were saved out of a society steeped in sexual perversions, and some of these influences had seeped into the church. Paul reminds them, and us, that our bodies are for the Lord. We are called to live in a way that reflects our identity in Christ, not the world. This means recognizing that our bodies are connected to Christ and are meant to glorify Him. As we start this devotional journey, let’s reflect on our identity in Christ and how it shapes our daily lives.
Verse: ‘You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.’ – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Question: How does understanding that your body is for the Lord change the way you view your daily actions and decisions?
Sermon Quote: “Your body is for the Lord.”
Prayer: Lord, help me to see my body as Yours, bought at a price. Guide me to honor You in all that I do. Amen. - Day 2: Resisting Worldly Influences
Devotional: Living in a world that often promotes ‘Do whatever feels right’ can be challenging. Paul warns against this mindset, reminding us that not everything is beneficial. Our culture may tell us that our bodies are just for our pleasure, but the Bible teaches us otherwise. We are called to resist these worldly influences and live according to God’s design. This means making conscious decisions to honor God with our bodies, even when it’s difficult. Today, let’s focus on identifying and resisting the influences that pull us away from God’s purpose for our lives.
Verse: ‘Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.’ – 1 Corinthians 6:12
Question: What are some worldly influences in your life that you need to resist in order to honor God with your body?
Quote: “[Our culture:] Do whatever feels right. Do whatever you think is right, do whatever makes you feel the way you want to feel, do whatever you think your body should want to do. That [thinking] is pervasive in our culture.”
Prayer: Father, give me the strength to resist worldly influences and the wisdom to make choices that honor You. Amen. - Day 3: Fleeing from Immorality
Devotional: Paul’s message to the Corinthians is clear: flee from sexual immorality. This isn’t just a suggestion; it’s a command. Sexual immorality can have a profound impact on our relationship with God and our ability to honor Him with our bodies. Paul urges us to run away from it as fast as we can. This means making intentional choices to avoid situations that could lead us into temptation. Today, let’s commit to fleeing from anything that could compromise our purity and our relationship with Christ.
Verse: ‘Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.’ – 1 Corinthians 6:18
Question: What steps can you take to flee from sexual immorality and protect your relationship with Christ?
Quote: “Flee from sexual immorality. Paul says, get out of there. Get away from it. It’s not even worth dabbling with. Flee. Run as fast as you can. Run. Flee.”
Prayer: Lord, help me to flee from sexual immorality and to make choices that honor You. Protect my heart and mind from temptation. Amen. - Day 4: Embracing Repentance
Devotional: Repentance is more than just feeling sorry for our sins; it’s about turning away from them and running towards Christ. Paul emphasizes the importance of repentance in our journey to honor God with our bodies. We can’t clean ourselves up on our own, but Jesus can. He paid the ultimate price for our sins so that we could be cleansed. Embracing repentance means acknowledging our sins, seeking forgiveness, and making a conscious effort to live according to God’s will. Today, let’s reflect on areas in our lives where we need to repent and turn back to Christ.
Verse: ‘You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.’ – 1 Corinthians 6:20
Question: What areas in your life do you need to repent from and turn back to Christ?
Quote: “Repentance is fleeing, turning away and running from our previous life and the things in our life and the sin in our life, and at the same time running to the arms of Christ.”
Prayer: Jesus, thank You for Your sacrifice. Help me to repent from my sins and turn towards You. Cleanse me and guide me to live a life that honors You. Amen. - Day 5: Living with Purpose
Devotional: Our bodies have a greater purpose: they are the dwelling place of God’s Holy Spirit. Paul reminds us that our bodies are meant to glorify Christ, who paid a high price for us. This means that every action, every decision, and every thought should be aimed at glorifying God. Living with purpose means being intentional about how we use our bodies and making choices that reflect our commitment to Christ. As we conclude this devotional journey, let’s commit to living with purpose and honoring God with our bodies every day.
Verse: ‘Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.’ – 1 Corinthians 6:19
Question: How can you live with purpose and honor God with your body in your daily life?
Quote: “Your body has a greater purpose. Your body is the dwelling place of God’s Holy Spirit.”
Prayer: Lord, thank You for giving my body a holy purpose. Help me to live with intention and to glorify You in all that I do. Amen.
About Derrick
Our pastor, Derrick, received a call to ministry when he was 16 years old. As a result, he pursued training with his pastors at his home church and he’s served in ministry ever since. He began as our pastor June of 2018. His passion is to help people and exalt Christ. Derrick married the love of his life, Allison in 2007. They met on a blind date in 2006 when they went to Chili’s and bowling. Derrick scored his highest bowling score. Derrick and Allison swapped email addresses so Allison could “send the photo of his best game” to him. They have four wonderful children; Caroline, Lottie, Charlie, and Colt. Caroline enjoys music and dancing. She is very artistic and wants to be a hair dresser and makeup artist when she grows up. Lottie loves ballet and is excellent at using her hands. Lottie loves doing anything her big sister does and shes so sweet to her little brothers (most of the time). Charlie is hilarious and has a mean fastball. He’s into everything in a good way. Colt is the consumate little brother. Everyone loves to take care of him. But he’s a lot of fun to be around. While Derrick has his BA in Psychology from the University of West Georgia, his MDiv and MA Biblical Counseling are from Luther Rice Seminary. Derrick recently received a Doctor of Ministry degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Derrick and his family enjoy the outdoors together. They enjoy theme parks, their favorite right now is DollyWood. View Derrick’s Messages: http://lafayettefirst.life/watch/derrick
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