- Understanding the Kingdom of Heaven
Devotional: Jesus often spoke in parables to reveal the profound truths of the Kingdom of Heaven. These stories were not just simple tales but were meant to open the eyes and ears of those who were willing to listen and understand. The Kingdom of Heaven represents God’s redemptive rule through Christ, a gift that cannot be earned but is given by God. Understanding these parables is a blessing, as it allows us to receive the healing and transformation Jesus offers. Today, let’s open our hearts to the message of Jesus and seek to understand the depth of His words.
Verse: The disciples came to him and asked, ‘Why do you speak to the people in parables?’ He replied, ‘Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.’ – Matthew 13:10-11
Question: Are you open to hearing and understanding the deeper truths that Jesus wants to reveal to you today?
Sermon Quote: “May our eyes and our ears be open to the ways of the heavenly kingdom.”
Prayer: Lord, open my eyes and ears to the truths of Your Kingdom. Help me to understand and embrace the profound messages You have for me. Transform my heart and mind to align with Your will. Amen. - The Incomparable Value of the Kingdom
Devotional: The parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price highlight the incomparable value of the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus teaches us that the Kingdom is worth everything we have. When we truly understand its value, we are willing to give up all else to gain it. This radical commitment is a reflection of our understanding of the precious gift we have in Christ. Today, let’s reflect on the value we place on the Kingdom of Heaven and consider what we are willing to sacrifice to fully embrace it.
Verse: The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. – Matthew 13:44
Question: What are you willing to sacrifice to fully embrace the Kingdom of Heaven and its incomparable value?
Quote: “May everything else be worth losing to gain Jesus.”
Prayer: Lord, help me to see the true value of Your Kingdom. Give me the courage and willingness to sacrifice anything that stands in the way of fully embracing Your rule and reign in my life. Amen. - Living as Citizens of the Kingdom
Devotional: As citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, we are called to live in a way that reflects God’s sovereignty. This means aligning our lives with Jesus’ teachings and viewing our possessions, time, and talents as tools for God’s glory. Our daily actions and decisions should be influenced by our commitment to the Kingdom. Today, let’s examine our lives and identify areas where we can better align with the values and principles of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Verse: Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. – Matthew 13:45-46
Question: How can you better align your daily actions and decisions with the values and principles of the Kingdom of Heaven?
Quote: “I ought to be living my life as a citizen of the kingdom of heaven. Now, today, every day, every moment, every waking opportunity I have, I should be aligning my life with the rule and reign of Jesus because of his salvation, because of his redemption.”
Prayer: Lord, guide me to live as a true citizen of Your Kingdom. Help me to align my actions, decisions, and priorities with Your teachings. Use my life for Your glory. Amen. - The Radical Commitment to Follow Jesus
Devotional: Following Jesus requires a radical commitment. It means being willing to lose everything else to indicate how precious Jesus is to us. This commitment is not about our preferences or desires but about surrendering to Jesus and His lordship in our lives. When we do this, we begin to understand His words and apply them to our lives, leading to transformation. Today, let’s reflect on our level of commitment to Jesus and consider what changes we need to make to fully surrender to Him.
Verse: Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.’ – Matthew 16:24
Question: What changes do you need to make in your life to fully surrender to Jesus and His lordship?
Quote: “Are you willing to lose everything else to indicate how precious Jesus is to you?”
Prayer: Lord, I surrender my life to You. Help me to deny myself and take up my cross daily. Transform me as I follow You and apply Your words to my life. Amen. - Aligning Our Hearts with God’s Kingdom
Devotional: To fully embrace the Kingdom of Heaven, we must align our hearts with God’s will. This means turning our eyes toward Him and focusing our hearts and lives on His calling. It requires us to evaluate our lives and identify areas that need change. When we realize that in Christ we have found the pearl of great price, nothing else compares. Today, let’s ask God to help us align our hearts with His Kingdom and live in a way that reflects His glory.
Verse: For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done. – Matthew 16:27
Question: What in your heart needs to change so that you can live your life fully aligned with God’s Kingdom?
Quote: “Lord, what is it in my life that’s out of alignment? What in my heart needs to change so that I can live my life like the man with the buried treasure, that I can be a part of the kingdom of heaven and my own heart and life by realizing in Christ I have found the pearl of great price and nothing else compares.”
Prayer: God, help me to turn my eyes toward You and focus my heart and life on Your calling. Show me the areas in my life that need change and help me to align my heart with Your Kingdom. Amen.
About Derrick
Our pastor, Derrick, received a call to ministry when he was 16 years old. As a result, he pursued training with his pastors at his home church and he’s served in ministry ever since. He began as our pastor June of 2018. His passion is to help people and exalt Christ. Derrick married the love of his life, Allison in 2007. They met on a blind date in 2006 when they went to Chili’s and bowling. Derrick scored his highest bowling score. Derrick and Allison swapped email addresses so Allison could “send the photo of his best game” to him. They have four wonderful children; Caroline, Lottie, Charlie, and Colt. Caroline enjoys music and dancing. She is very artistic and wants to be a hair dresser and makeup artist when she grows up. Lottie loves ballet and is excellent at using her hands. Lottie loves doing anything her big sister does and shes so sweet to her little brothers (most of the time). Charlie is hilarious and has a mean fastball. He’s into everything in a good way. Colt is the consumate little brother. Everyone loves to take care of him. But he’s a lot of fun to be around. While Derrick has his BA in Psychology from the University of West Georgia, his MDiv and MA Biblical Counseling are from Luther Rice Seminary. Derrick recently received a Doctor of Ministry degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Derrick and his family enjoy the outdoors together. They enjoy theme parks, their favorite right now is DollyWood. View Derrick’s Messages: http://lafayettefirst.life/watch/derrick
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